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AMPROLLIUM 200 =  100 G


Allfarm Amprolium 200 aids in the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis (Eimeria spp.), one of the most important intestinal diseases of poultry. It comes as a water-soluble powder, which should be administered in drinking water.

Amprolium 200 is a coccidiostat / anticoccidial that has a wide safety margin and is suitable for broilers, broiler breeders, replacement pullets, turkeys, ducks and pigeons. It is useful for treating most of the detrimental and economically-important coccidiosis species, including E. tenellaE. necatrix and most strains of E. acervulina.


  • As a treatment when birds are already showing symptoms of coccidiosis, or are known to be infected.
  • As a preventative in healthy flocks, or flocks that are at risk due to stress or other health issues.

Amprollium 200 - 100g


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